Inventory Solution

Inventory Solution

Gargour provides an easy to use inventory control and monitoring system. It enables the staff to check at any time the stock of any item, group of item, or all the store’s items. It provides the actual stocks and the deviation from the book-registered stock. In...
Pharmacy Solution

Pharmacy Solution

This solution enables any customer to find out the price of any item whenever there is no price indicated neither on the shelf nor on the item. Also, it can show extra details and descriptions related to the item; in addition, it can automatically access the website...
Restaurant Solution

Restaurant Solution

Running the pharmacies requires some unique features in its point of sale solution. It requires the continuous follow-up on the expiry dates of all the drugs and the return to-the-vendor policy of each supplier. Also, it has to give the ability of generating the...
Department Stores Solution

Department Stores Solution

In department store retail, there are usually a large number of suppliers and the number of direct deliveries is high. Also each supplier makes its deliveries at various non defined intervals, So entering products as income and managing balances is often more...
Grocery Stores Solution

Grocery Stores Solution

The grocery shop is changing rapidly, thanks to growing demand for convenience, grocery goods, and food on the go. But our sophisticated retail management POS enables you to keep pace with any growth or new expansion. Easy transaction handling with a close eye on...