Machine vision performs the tasks that are equivalent to human vision such as distinguishing various sizes, shapes, and colors. Therefore, vision system can identify objects based upon any of these factors (Size, Shape, or color) then it will be sorted accordingly. It...
تحديد جميع الأنابيب والحاويات لربطها بدقة بالمريض المحدد. وهذا يضمن التتبع الصحيح للعينات والعينات في جميع أنحاء المختبر الطبي وعملية التحليل ويمنع أي أخطاء في غير موضعها أو أخطاء في خلط العينات. كما أنه يربط جميع تقارير النتائج بملف المريض المحدد والسجل الطبي....
Provides the ability to display all the patients’ information, medical status, prescriptions, and physical checks. It also allows inputting of any new alteration in the treatment process and/or medicines. In addition, it helps the nursing team to assure that the...
Radio Frequency Identification and Near Field communication are new technologies based on the wireless communication between the Reader and the Tag. It does not require a free line of sight to fulfil the communication and can read more than one tag simultaneously by...
It is a three-dimensional laser photography based sticker, very hard to be copied or faked. Therefore, it is very suitable for the counterfeit, tamper proof, and security applications. Counterfeiters not only take a good part of your business, but also the poor...